In the Name of Allah,Most Gracious, Most Merciful
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Now our Net Site “” has been inaugurated.
It bestows a lot of pleasure on us to have some connection with worldwide visitors.
As Muslims, we try to preach Islam along the line of Sufi Methodology, which is characterized by being lenient, tolerant open-minded to oppositions and violence/terrorism avoidance.
Knowledge in Islamic scope does not only mean religious sciences inherent in Qur’an and Prophetic Traditions. Besides In addition to these aspects, human sciences, including Arts, Psychology, Philosophy, Logic, Natural Sciences, and others, are all included in our Web Site. A visitor to our Web Site will be acquainted to diverse knowledge.
To foster righteous descendents, due attention is given to students,youth and kids as they are our prospective leaders.
Of course, we improve through your criticism which pinpoints our merits and demerits.
Let’s hope that we don’t lose touch.