For the Sake of Sudan Essay No. 1
14th, April, 2019

:Written by
Abdelrahman Mohammad Abdlmagid (Wadelkebeida)
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Peace and Prayer be upon the magnificently mannered Apostle, Prophet Mohammed, and upon his Relatives and Companions, who utterly submitted themselves to Allah.
Here is the first essay of my written series of essays titled: “For the Sake of Sudan“.
Allah, High and Exalted said: “And hold tight, all together, to Allah’s cause, and be not divided among yourselves” A’li-Imran, 103.
Allah, Almighty said: (Verily, this Brotherhood of yours is a single all-inclusive Brotherhood, and I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore, serve Me alone). The Prophets, 92.
Ever since its independence in 1956 and up to April 2019, Sudan has been governed by six political regimes and two transitional governments. One of these transitional governments ruled for one year, after October’s Revolution in 1964; and the other had a one-year term of office after April’s Revolution in 1985. Of course, all these regimes assumed different ideologies and policies. In spite of this rich and diversified governance experience, the Sudan continued to undergo drastic political defects. There are, however, some Sudanese supreme political and administrative interests which should have remained constant throughout all the regimes. These interests would have certainly caused stability in Sudan had they been seriously observed by the successive governors.
In this essay, I would like to mention these supreme interests, which ought to shape the Sudanese political life and , thus, constitute the safety valve against any political deviation.
To begin with, it should be known to all people that I open-mindedly present these issues, and so constructive criticism is welcomed because I believe all the matter is subject to mutual consultation; without rejection to any thought. All Sudanese- social, political, ideological, tribal, regional- components can have their say without encroaching upon the unanimous agreement.
First and foremost, it is worth pinpointing that this multitude of Sudanese political parties does not easily fulfil smooth arrival at unanimous agreement. Suffice it to form a few political parties so as to rid the country of unnecessary disputes. Why not amalgamate all these parties into two or – at the most – three parties lest people should disagree upon trifle details ?
It is no wise that whenever an idea flashes into a person’s head that this very person forms a party to advocate the pretty idea of his. The more the number of people with different ideas increases, the more number of people will strive to rule, and more conflicts will inevitably ensue. Simultaneously, people are easy to gather in a few parties if they are willing to unify and work together.
As regards the number of political parties, my proposal is to form parties as follows:
1. Hizbul-Yasar (Left Party): This includes the communists, Arab Bathists, Nassirists, and others who are akin to them.
2. Hizbul-Yamin: (Right Party): Among this party come all the Islamist “Muslim Brothers, Salafists, Republicans” and others who resemble them.
3. Hizbul-Mustaqilin (Independents): This party embraces Hizbul-Ummah, Itihadi-Demograti, Sufists, and those who are akin to them.
This grouping of parties could be subject to adaptation and movement of parties within these groups- provided that they do not exceed three groups of parties.
One may observe that the Armed Movements in Western and Eastern Sudan have not been mentioned. That is mainly because we expect them to join these three groups according to their ideologies and aspirations.
Now that I have clarified how to form these political parties, I turn to the constant supreme interests along which Sudan ought to be governed for the sake of all its citizens. No sole party or group should tighten its grip and pull the string alone. In other words, no sole party or group should monopolize the administration and make itself a utilitarian regime via permissible or impermissible means, putting their selfish desires above Sudanese supreme interests and benefits.
These constant high interests will be presented in the coming essays.