بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
.In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious

Arabic Verses Translated into English

Underneath are some Arabic verses by different poets. They have been translated into English verses by: Abdul Rahman Mohammad Abdul Majed (Wadelkebeida).


Why cherish your body that wink                  تُطَيِّبُ جسمَك الفاني   

To let it survive?لِيبقَـى                                                          

While retainingyour heart sick وتترُك قلبَك الباقي                           

 Which is forever alive?   مريضا                                               


 He threw him into the river                               ألقاه في اليم                                       

 With hands in handcuff                                        مكتوفاً                                    

And bade him: “Oh, neverوقال له: إياك ! إياك                    !                           

 Get wet with water stuff”     أن تبتل بالماء                          


وَلَقَدْ جَعَلْتُكَ فى الفُؤَادِ مُحَدِّثى

                                 وَأَبَحْتُ جِسْمِى مَنْ أَرَاد جُلُوسى

              فَالْجِسْمُ مِنىّ لِلْجَلِيسِ مُؤَانِسٌ

                                 وَحَبِيبُ قَلْبِى فى  الفُـؤَادِ أَنِيسى    

 A converser in my heart I have made of Thee

I permitted my corpus to who accompanies me

My corpus is familiarized to who gives company

Yet my Darling resides in heart with all intimacy


             صَفَا مَنْهَلُ المحب عَنْ عِلَلِ الهَوَى

                                     فَمَا شَابَ ذَاكَ الوِرْدَ مَنْ نَفْسُهُ حَظُّ

             وَوَفَّى بِعَـهْدِ الحُبِّ إِذْ لمَ ْيَكُنْ لَهُ

                                     إلى غَيْرِ  مَنْ يَهْوىَ التِفَاتٌ وَلَا لَحْظُ

             مَـحَتْ آَيَةَ الإِظْلامِ شَمْسُ نَهاَرِهِ

                                     وَقَدْ  ذَهَبَتْ  مِنْهُ الإِشَـارَةُ واللَّفْظُ

                   Lover source has been purified

                                       From passion and disorder causes

                   A pursuer whose soul is tied

                                       To luck will not have any doses

                                  He kept his promise ‘cause he has not

                                  Diverted attention to where he loves not

                    His Evidence of Darkness ‘s been

                                              Erased by the Sun of his day

                    And away‘s gone to the unseen

                                             Both his allusion and verbal say

The End
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