Editorial of Site’s First Anniversary

Praise be to Allah, Who doth have utmost ominscience, and peace and prayer be upon Prophet Mohammad, and may Allah be pleased with his Relatives and Companions.

      A year has passed by since our Website “www.wadelkebeida.net” was inaugurated.

      It contained a lot of materials that have gained applause and appreciation from the part of the browsing visitors.  Near the end of the first year, we loaded an audio-visual media, represented in the Ode: “Ahlan Ramadan” (Welcome Ramadan), which was performed by our band kids (Wadelkebeida Buds); thus propagating a new stage of presenting audio-visual mass media.

      However, we do not claim perfection. Yet our aspiration is geared towards presenting more mass media for the coming years- if Allah wills it.

      Finally, thanks are due to all the members who contributed the material for the website; a great debt of gratitude is owed to Majdi Zein, who helped with providing the domain for the site in America, and to Naser Halbus for making the host in Arab Emirates. We extend our thanks to all the browsing visitors who have ornamented our Site with their precious comments.

 Abdal-Rahman Wadelkebeida